can ibs cause brain fog?

can ibs cause brain fog?

Do you ever feel like your brain is in a fog? You're not alone. Many people report feeling fuzzyheaded and scattered. There are many possible causes of brain fog, including stress, anxiety, and changes in hormones. But can intestinal bacteria also play a role?

Studies suggest that there may be a link between gut bacteria and cognitive function. In one study, researchers found that probiotic supplementation improved cognitive function in elderly people with dementia. Another study showed that infants who received probiotics performed better on cognitive tests than those who did not.

So could probiotics help to improve brain fog in people with IBS? The jury is still out on this one. More research is needed to determine whether or not probiotics can help to treat this condition. However, if you are experiencing brain fog along with your IBS symptoms, it may be worth talking to your doctor about trying a probiotic supplement.