what is the best microbiome test?

what is the best microbiome test?

There are a lot of microbiome tests on the market these days. So, which one should you choose? Here is a quick rundown of the most popular options:

  • The American Gut Project is a crowd-funded research project that characterizes the gut microbiota of people from all over the world. It is free to participate, and you receive a report of your gut bacteria profile.
  • Ubiome offers a comprehensive microbiome testing service that analyzes 18 different areas of your gut bacteria. It costs $89.
  • FitBiomics offers an affordable ($59) and easy-to-use microbiome test that measures 12 key markers of gut health.
So, which microbiome test is right for you? It really depends on your budget and what you are looking to find out about your gut health.